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Technical Support

01691 655150

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Delivery Updates Re: COVID-19

Update Effective 19th March 2020 regarding next-day and pre-0900 deliveries.

There is a temporary suspension of pre 0900 deliveries and implementation of a "no-contact" delivery practice.

Additionally, we strive to dispatch same day all safety edges and in-stock items ordered prior to 1:00pm (and will continue to do so), however we currently cannot guarantee next-day delivery due to the unprecedented demand on courier services.


1. Our couriers have informed us that they cannot guarantee next-day delivery, although we will try our best to meet customer requirements where possible. 

2. To ease pressure on the delivery drivers and maximise delivery capabilities, couriers are temporarily suspending all pre-0900 service options.

3. As of today, our couriers will be adopting a "no contact delivery practice."

Consignees will not be required to personally sign the ePOD device or hard copy document, but will be required to provide their name verbally to the delivery driver wherby the driver will include this on the delivery record.

Where a customer refuses to provide their name, the consignment will not be left with them but fall under the "refused goods" process.


As of today, we are operating business-as-usual as the situation allows. Stock is continuing to come in and orders are still being processed. We are here to support your business during these uncertain times.

IN2 Access will continue to monitor the situation and keep all our customers informed as developments occur in relation to business.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Tel: 01691 655150
Live Chat: 

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