Safety Edge Installation Guide FAQ
“Single cable” safety edges are called “resistive” edges. It is terminated at one end with an 8K2ohm resistor. If only using one safety edge, or running several safety edges in series, this is the type of safety edge you will need.
A “twin cable” safety edge is called a “through” edge. It is used as a continuation from a single cable safety edge when wiring in series. Instead of being terminated at one end with an 8K2ohm resistor, it has a cable at each end of the safety edge.

Wired in series using a resistive and through edge.
Ensure that aluminium strip is not twisted and as flush as possible with the surface being fixed to. When fitting aluminium to gate frame, use “counter-sunk” screws or rivets, to ensure the screw or rivet head does not protrude - if so it may push against the underside of the safety edge, putting pressure on the inner conductive strip which can cause the safety edge to activate. Also ensure cable isn’t running underneath the length of the safety edge, as this can cause the same issue. Recommended distance between fixing holes is 300MM.

Ensure you start level at one end, so the rubber profile is flush with the aluminium fixing strip. Fit one side of the edge to the aluminium first as this will ensure safety edge is level with aluminium fixing strip, using an even pressure and working up the full length of the safety edge.
If using CoverLine safety edges, fold the safety edge over and fit the second side of the safety edge.

For SlimLine, StandardLine and ClickLine safety edges, click (not slide) the edge into the aluminium rail over the whole length. Note: if using 11/08-size SlimLine, clean and degrease surface thoroughly before applying adhesive edge.

For ExpertSystem XL safety edges, fit the first side of the contact profile flush at both ends of the aluminium and press in both ends, working your way to the middle. Then mount aluminium and fold profile over and attached other side in the same manner.

If lubricant is used, we only recommend “non-aggressive” lubricants such as soapy water. Harsher chemicals could have an adverse reaction to the safety edge material and cause damage to the rubber profile (see Material Safety Data Sheet for further information).
Firstly, ensure wires are connected soundly and sealed against moisture ingress. If any water gets into the wires it can travel down the conductors and cause resistance fluctuations, inconsistent readings and further faults with the installation.
We recommend only using up to a maximum of up to four edges be wired in series as the overall resistance of the 8K2 Ohm circuit may raise above the operating tolerance.
When connecting multiple edges in series you must ensure a 8K2 resistive (single cable) edge is used at the end of the circuit to ensure you have an 8K2 Ohm circuit.

There are several things you can do to troubleshoot: Remove the safety edge from the aluminium strip. Lay it flat on the ground. Measure the resistance of the safety edge (using a safety edge and controller tester). If it passes, then the issue could be due to the way the safety edge has been installed into the aluminium strip.
Ensure that any fixing screws are flat headed and countersunk, if they are pressing on the back of the strip this can cause activation.
Ensure that the cable isn’t bunched up underneath and doing the same.
Ensure that the safety edge isn’t twisted; ensure the safety edge is correctly seated in the aluminium profile. Any protrusions at the rear of the safety edge can cause false activations.

Any adjustment to a pre-made edge would require specialist tools and skills to ensure that it is done correctly and to specification. Any cutting down or conversion of safety edge immediately voids warranty. Minimum length of reduction for a twin cable is 100mm. Minimum reduction for a single cable resistive edge is 50mm. This is due to having to recut and re-terminate safety edges require a minimum length for the crimps. If you need a pre-made safety edge shortened, contact us at 01691 655150 or email
Note: The ExpertSystem XL range is fully adjustable.