A logo with significance
IN2’s brand-new contemporary logo is memorable, stands out amongst its competitors’ branding and also reflects the switching properties of its core product lines. The logo and branding style features two very strong, welcoming colours to reflect the approachable nature of the fantastic customer service and technical support teams that IN2 Access is renowned for.
Furthermore, the logo acknowledges the health and safety industry’s widely recognised hazard yellow which works well with cyan blue, a trustworthy colour that this growing young company adopted and built their brand on when it started in 2010.
The company has been widely recognised as ‘IN2 Access’ for a period of time, so they have adopted this shorter, sharper and more memorable name going forward.
A clear vision
As the company continues to grow and establish as a medium-sized enterprise, its Directors recognises the importance in investing in their employees and will continue to support and educate all staff members to the highest standard.
As the Directors pass on over 40 years’ of industry experience on to their growing team, customers will continue to receive the same fantastic level of support the company is proud to be recognised for.
IN2 Access will also be working in close partnership with key industry suppliers and alongside its customers to identify optimum solutions for all.
Coming soon
As well as rolling out the new branding across all communication channels this summer, the launch will incorporate a new, modern website which has been built to take the company forward as it continues to increase its wide range of products.